Senex Rex brings you relevant and timely information that you can use in your work and life.
Senex Rex Blog
We produce blog posts every month or so that deal with all facets of scrum and agile methodologies, as well as our experience in applying agile methodologies in in our work and personal lives.
Enterprise Agility Newsletter
Here, we deal with agile and lean methods for an enterprise and management audience. We show you how to use agile leadership techniques to transform the way you deliver complete solutions. We cover how enterprise agility can enable the ambitious organizational missions that matter most.
Agile Metrics Group
This newsletter discusses what metrics are important to the enterprise. FOr instance, velocity is often used within scrum teams to measure forward progress, but what metrics reflect value added to the organization when multiple teams produce value at different scales and production levels?
Calls for Papers
Here, Senex Rex reports on opportunities to publish your research in academic settings, such as the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. If you’re a researcher either in academia or industry, then publications help your career. The earlier you are in your career, the more they help. Depending on your ability, you may be able to influence others to think along the same lines as you do. Some employers hire based on your perceived ability to participate in and influence this conversation. Ideally, you’ve found out something important that you think others should know, or you have an argument based on your new knowledge that you think others should hear.