Agile Capitalization Video: Greening and Rudd
Dan Greening recently got together with John Rudd, Managing Director of SolutionsIQ, to discuss Agile capitalization methods. Watch this 15-minute breakdown of Dan’s experience doing Enterprise roll-outs of Agile and in dealing with portfolio management of Agile. Here’s a link to the Agile Capitalization article Dan wrote for InfoQ. Why Should Agilists Care About Capitalization?
Five Challenges to Large Organizations that Force Agility
Sometimes, looking at the bigger picture of workflow can highlight traditional bottlenecks. Duplicating code for the sake of expediency is one of the symptoms of eroding agility. Removing interdepartmental barriers will bring greater agility to an organization. In this first of 5 articles, Dan Greening makes a strong case for doing software modification tasks in…