Product Owner
Enterprises often have lots of time-sensitive opportunities and insufficient skilled or creative people (called “developers” in this pattern) to do everything. Problem: Stakeholder competition distracts creative people, interferes with profitable work and creates office politics …
Develop Agile Managers, or Agile Dies
To sustain rapid adaptation and innovation, we need good agile managers. But management talent is rare, and agile management talent even rarer. Danger lurks when executives and managers don’t understand agile. You can tell when managers don’t understand agile: they don’t use it themselves. Agile methods, Scrum particularly, are perfect for managing creative teams, including management teams planning…
Strategy Scrum Teams
Management teams can use Strategy Scrum to manage themselves and more effectively finish important work.
Are We Agile? Answer 6 Questions to Find Out
Are we agile? The highest performing innovators follow 6 progressive agile base patterns. To assess your agility, ask how well you follow those patterns. To stay agile, follow the agile base patterns indefinitely. Audit your business agility with this guide.
Top-Down Agile Beats Bottom-Up
Leaders who publicly demonstrate agile methodologies and promote them top-down drive their organizations to sustain agile practices and succeed. But bottom-up agile transformations lack resiliency and generate cultural strife. Agile methodologies are now widely recommended for managing software development, but most large companies require transformation from entrenched “waterfall development,” an intuitively appealing strategy that has created massive project disasters (see Why…
What is an Agile Methodology? How does it beat Waterfall?
Using an agile methodology for project management can help CEOs, organizations, managers, teams and individuals rapidly adapt to change, beat slower competitors and win profitable markets. Agile methodologies were created to prevent the frequent and expensive manufacturing and development failures that arose in “waterfall” or “ad hoc” projects. Most people tackle large projects using an intuitively obvious approach called “the waterfall method”: plan…
Agile Leadership Patterns:
The Agile Way of DoingDan Greening and Jeff Sutherland will discuss Agile Leadership Patterns: The Agile Way of Doing at the Agile 2015 Conference, August 3–6, 2015. Join us and learn to answer the questions, “Am I agile?”, “Is my organization agile?” and “Are my leaders agile?” You only need to know five patterns.
Agile Job Search Techniques: 7 Steps to Responsibility
If you want to get an awesome job with the least effort, jazz up your job search with agile self-management (Tweet). Agile methods will help you rapidly discover which of your skills match employer’s true needs, market yourself for better results, target “channels” that have the best opportunities, hone in how much to ask for,…
Agile Supports Software Success
Agile posits this trade off: that creative projects, such as software development, have such huge market, technical and budget uncertainty, that we should pay the high expense of repeated regression testing, packaging, deployment, and rework, to enable us to test our market and technical theories early and often, adapting our approach as we learn more.…
Talk: Risk-Reduction Metrics for Agile Organizations
Join us at the Lean Kanban North America 2014 conference. I will be speaking on the Managing Risk Track, May 7, 2014 from 2:20pm to 3:45pm. Agile and lean processes make it easier for organizations to measure company and team performance, assess risk and opportunity, and adapt. My colleagues and I have used delivery rate,…