
  • The Goal Revisited

    The Goal Revisited

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    The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt is a business novel that recounts how a factory manager shakes off complacency and isolation to save his factory and its employees. Many MBAs, system scientists and agilists have read it. I read The Goal 7 years ago. I was so excited I sent our CEO an email. “Have you read it? It has…

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  • Forecast Horizon: Does Your Team Communicate?

    Forecast Horizon: Does Your Team Communicate?


    Good communication between product manager and team, between value appraisal and product development, leads to success. It helps you build the right thing at the right time. When the Product Owner and Development Team communicate well, the Product Owner can forecast feature delivery dates with a statistical likelihood. It promotes great architectures. The Development Team…

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  • Four-part User Stories: Functionality that Matters

    Four-part User Stories: Functionality that Matters

    Four-part user stories improve communication between Product Owner and Development Team. They include context about the user and the sponsor of the work, which inspires creativity and better architectures from the team. They also make Grooming and Sprint Planning meetings faster, they yield more successful outcomes, and they facilitate Product Owners making better trade-offs. Are…

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  • Daily Mantra: Contribute 10× the Value You Capture

    Daily Mantra: Contribute 10× the Value You Capture


    I have a little mantra I say to myself whenever I walk in the door of an employer. “How will I save or gain at least 10 times my daily salary for my organization today?” This question challenges us, especially if we are buried in the beast of a large organization. We might not even…

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  • Pair-Author Backlog Items for Faster, Better Results

    Pair-Author Backlog Items for Faster, Better Results

    Product Backlog Item (PBI) writing in Scrum is best done by pairing a Product Owner with an architect or team member. The Product Owner brings a stakeholder perspective to the table, and PBIs should include that “value perspective” in every case. When the PO is not “primary”, you get PBIs that have no demonstrable stakeholder…

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  • Agile Resolutions

    Agile Resolutions


    January is “New Years Resolution Month” for me. I plan what I’ll improve in the rest of the year and how I’ll do it. Roughly 88% of people who make New Years Resolutions fail [Lehrer 2009]. Twenty years ago, software projects had extremely high failure rates like this. The software industry started adopting “agile” management…

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  • Velocity Variance: Should we seek consistent velocity?

    Velocity Variance: Should we seek consistent velocity?


    Rhythmic experimentation defines Scrum. A good Sprint experiment seeks to improve important metrics, such as increasing velocity or decreasing bug count. Some managers claim consistent velocity is important. Percent velocity deviation, σ(V)/E(V), is a reasonable metric to compare teams’ consistency. However, software companies usually look for innovation and profitability. Staid, old companies recreating boring stuff…

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  • Ad Hoc to Agile, Scrum and Scaling

    Ad Hoc to Agile, Scrum and Scaling

    A colleague recently asked whether a team he encountered was agile. Some team members want to use Scrum, but the manager has said, “No. Scrum involves too much process, too many meetings, team members will feel micromanaged.”

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  • Can You Combine Waterfall and Agile?

    Can You Combine Waterfall and Agile?

    Many well-meaning people think they can be the First Person Ever to combine waterfall and Scrum, name their new process with some catchy name, start teaching this Frankenstein system, then cause internal organizational chaos or sloth.

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  • Bulk Estimation

    Bulk Estimation

    Estimating lots of work items can help agile teams dramatically: Estimates help Product Owners make trade-offs, help teams gauge capacity, help Product Owner forecast feature releases, and help team members think about architectural issues. However, in too many cases, estimating is painfully boring and slow. It doesn’t have to be. Why Estimate?

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